Title: 나쁜 남자 / Nappeun Namja / Bad GuyAlso known as: Bad Man / Bad BoyGenre: Thriller, melodrama, mysteryEpisodes: 17Broadcast network: SBSYear: 2010
Shim Geun Wook (Kim Nam Gil) is a bad guy with an agenda to destroy Haeshin Group business and family.
He was a sweet little boy living happily with his mute father and loving mother. His happy life was stolen when one chaebol family claimed that he was their son. He was brought into that family and try to adapt to his new status but one day another boy came claimed that he was the real son. He was cast away and adopted to an American family.
He came back to Korea after 20 years to find his family and plot revenge against the Haeshin Group, a large corporation where once before was his family. First, he try to get closed with the youngest daughter, Hong Mo Ne, then he try to get trust from Hong Tae Song (Kim Jae Wook), the other boy that take his place before and he try to stole the heart of Hong Tae Ra (Oh Yeon Soo) the first daughter that will replace her father's position in the future. But there is only one woman in his heart...Moon Jae In (Han Ga In)
Will his plan succeed? What will he get in the end? Can he meet with his family?
Joen's said:
This is a good drama but I don't like the ending. I feel like they are too rush to make it ended because the main hero (Kim Na Gil) was called to join the national service when they still shooting. Just imagine the original plan to have 20 episodes was shortened to 17 episodes. But still I have to admit that Kim Na Gil did a really good job in playing Gun Wook's character where he needs to play with his emotions all the times. He makes me feel sorry for him even when he do bad things and I can feel the sorrow that he buried in his heart. He really good in showing his emotions through his eyes where I can feel his hatred, loneliness, sadness and hurt through them. Good job Kim Na Gil, this drama is worth watching!
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